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The Green Deen tribe grew out of our retreats and are at the core of our work. The retreats are a space of education and experiential learning, reconnection to nature and community building

The retreats combine the different aspects of our work, whilst providing an opportunity to ‘disconnect in order to reconnect’. From silent meditative walks, to workshops on biomimicry, prophetic stewardship, and sacred geometry, to eating nourishing vegetarian meals together, the retreats offer a holistic exploration for muslim R women to reconnect to nature and thier roles as stewards.

The retreats combine the different aspects of our work, whilst providing an opportunity to ‘disconnect in order to reconnect’. From silent meditative walks, to workshops on biomimicry, prophetic stewardship, and sacred geometry, to eating nourishing vegetarian meals together, the retreats offer a holistic exploration for muslim R women to reconnect to nature and thier roles as stewards.

Girls Youth Summer Camp L 1.JPG

“Oh God,” Rabia exclaimed, “Whenever I listen to the voice of anything you have made—the rustling of the trees, the trickling of water, the cries of birds, the flickering of shadow, the roar of the wind, the song of thunder, I hear it saying: God is One! Nothing can be compared with God!”

Rabia Al-Adawiyya,

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